A Poem A Day (2)

I want to run with the lions as the hair brushes my face. I want to run home. Where color is sight, words are sex, food is thought, and silence is power.

A Poem A Day

I use to write A LOT of poetry, and somewhere along the way, I stopped consistently writing. On May 1st, I set a few goals for the last 30 days in my 30s. One of those goals was to write a poem {or script} every day, and so far, I have enjoyed the non-pressure of writing my own content. Writing just to write.

Go Within

We’re caught in the lies - the lies of what will make us happier, healthier, and younger. We tire ourselves out working day in and day out to buy and provide false expectancy.

We’re caught in the lies - the lies of what will make us happier, healthier, and younger.


As I drove around alone, I stopped for a minute and took this picture. I wanted to remember how good it felt to feel FREE! To not worry about what might happen, but just live! I need to push myself a bit more, while also being smart.

TRUST - 2020

Know that the provision of all necessary resources is a certainty. The only variables are the details of how the journey unfolds. TRUST the Universe.

Release— I refuse to call it anything else!

I have deleted this post twice now—posted with unknown truth the first time (then reality hit and I shamefully deleted it), posted with vagueness the second time (and deleted today, so I can be honest with myself). Today, I post the truth, even though the truth feels like defeat, fear, and more emotion than I feel I can handle. But as a writer, the words release me.

How I Meditate

After years of practice, my body knows meditation is a need and craves the time. Meditation has changed many aspects of my life. It has brought light to dark moments in my life, past, and present. It has allowed me to lengthen my reaction time, to be more aware of my thoughts and speech.

The Truth Behind National Adoption Awareness Month

Adoption is not a fairy-tale, happy ending, or butterflies and rainbows. It’s complicated relationships full of grief surrounded by individuals who are doing their best to live life, love unconditionally, and educate the masses on the complex emotions that we all battle daily.

Book Launch Party 2019

Some experiences are simply too meaningful to express properly. I wish you all could have been there to feel the pure magic of positive energy vibrating in a single room.


Nothing about this post should make you feel uncomfortable. Nothing about seeing a therapist should feel shameful or bring embarrassment to myself, to my family, to anyone!

I Did It!

“Do you want to see something?” With the squeal of a teenager.

“Yes.” She said with a mischievous smirk.

Womanhood Warriors

For centuries we have armored up, thrown our capes on our backs, hauled our children on our hips, and walked not in our own trauma but the trauma of our sisterhood, our ancestors, our mothers, and the womanhood of warriors that will come after our time.

I Am Grateful to Be a Birth Mother

Over the years, I have found that grief plays a role in every relationship that I have. The fear of abandonment stills rests on my chest if I allow it. I understand that life can change in an instant, and that brings more light and awareness to living in the now.