HI! I am grateful you are here!

My name is Gina. I am an author, meditation guide, public speaker, and birth mother!

I’m obsessed with journaling, coffee, meditation, and energy work!

💛 STAY AWHILE - take a look around!

Go Within

Go Within

There are spaces in all of us, cobweb-covered craters that call out to us. They’ll burn and boil over if we don’t stop to clear them out. They’ll tap on a bone, put an ache in your gut, scratch your throat, burn inside your ear until you acknowledge their call. They’ll send signs, red flags, Deja views, to get your attention. They’ll whisper warnings throughout the night. But many of us are too busy to pause and recognize where our attention is going.

We’re caught in the lies - the lies of what will make us happier, healthier, and younger. We tire ourselves out working day in and day out to buy and provide false expectancy. There are spaces in us all - craters of broken pasts, grief, ego, hurt, resentment that need our attention. If you can be still - you’ll understand why your body feels tired, why you picked up that random book, why you hurt, the Universe has been calling you to pause.


Be still.

When we ignore what our body is trying to tell us we tend to pay with pain and discomfort.

Your body is speaking to you - listen!

Clear those cobwebs and shovel a path inside yourself. Discover why those craters are calling out to you. When you find the source, the why, you can begin to heal them - heal yourself. Be aware of the distractions that will arise. The old habits that will try and pull you back into the lie - that you need materialistic bull shit to be whole.

You don’t!

We truly “need” so little yet work so hard to distract ourselves from what is missing in our lives. Now is the time to listen, to meditate, to go within, and heal yourself. Heal the present, heal the past and every crater that forged a space inside you. When you do, when you bravely pick up the flashlight and start searching, you’ll find beautiful connections and understandings. You’ll find hurt and pain that weakens your legs. BUT you’ll bring light into your life that brings joy like nothing you have felt before! A joy that doesn’t come with a price tag or a monthly bill.

Go within.

Heal yourself.

A Poem A Day

A Poem A Day

