HI! I am grateful you are here!

My name is Gina. I am an author, meditation guide, public speaker, and birth mother!

I’m obsessed with journaling, coffee, meditation, and energy work!

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Make That Connection

Make That Connection

There is a desire in all of us that lingers low inside our gut. It boils and turns in those lonely moments of silence when you allow your mind to give it attention. From time to time, you'll feel it reach up and grab your vocal cords, with all of it's strength, it will fight until you scream out.

At it's strongest, it can make all of us drop to our knees, begging for relief. The only comparable desire would be a sexual need. There is no cloudy in between, no gray area; your body needs this thirst. Yet you also find yourself questioning why you ache for it. Some of us allow our pride to convince us we don't need this. I can do this alone. We laugh at those who show "weakness" in this need. 

You can't lie to yourself for long. Your solidarity will waste away. Your pride will be swallowed up by it's strength. At some point, your road will come to a screeching halt. The brick walls you single-handedly built around you will shatter. You'll look up towards the skies in disbelief, as you stand in the debris below your feet. No one can do this life alone. 

The desire? Human connection.

We all need it. We all desire it. It's water to our souls, and whether you reach for it in your darkest moments or you have surrendered daily to it's power, you still need it.

Set your pride aside. Ask for help. Do not walk this path alone! We all want to be heard, to be loved, to be acknowledged. Call out to those who love and adore you, and they will listen. 

Human connection gives us a sense of belonging. We relate to each other through our experiences and our insight. Our connection with one another gives us value, confidence, and security. 

A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”Albert Einstein

Remember to be that connection for others. Smile at the stranger next to you. Make that phone call. Answer your phone. Stop by, to say hi. 

Say to those around you...

"How can I help you?" 

"I love you."

"Everything is going to be ok." 

"I am here for you." 

Why don't we stop reminding ourselves how different we are and start making the connection that we all so desperately need. No more walls, no more pride, no more loneliness, just love, and acceptance. We all need each other.

Let's start acting like it!

Make that connection TODAY!


Sitting Across From You

Sitting Across From You

Meeting Her There

Meeting Her There