As an Intuitive Guide & Reiki Master, Gina goes beyond the ordinary, connecting individuals to their higher selves through guided meditation and sound healing.


TRUST - 2020

TRUST - 2020

Well, shit!

Yes, I’m starting with that.


Because I finished this blog post 15 minutes ago and as I went back to reread the post, I somehow deleted it! How does that happen? I don’t freaking know! 

Maybe it’s the Universe laughing at me as I write about trusting it and my abilities.

Does she really want to lean in and trust? Let’s test her by deleting her whole post! - The Universe


As I was saying…

I found my word for 2020!


As I journaled this morning, I found myself flipping back to previous entries. I kept asking myself - Why do I doubt myself so much? Why am I not trusting myself like I was in September, August, or June? As flipped to the next page to keep writing, I saw this quote at the bottom:

If you have been in lack, limitation or anxiety, relax and substitute your stress for the absolute TRUST that the Universe will provide all good things with generosity and grace. If you find this challenging, take it one step at a time by reprogramming your heart and mind into new habits of PEACEFUL TRUST. Living like this will feel much better and bring better results, too.

The words whispered to me… p e a c e f u l t r u s t

I kept writing, flipping to the next page, and noticed this at the bottom of the following page:

Know that the provision of all necessary resources is a certainty. The only variables are the details of how the journey unfolds. TRUST the Universe.

I laughed out loud. Okay, I get it. I need to not only trust myself more but the Universe, my ability, my intuition, my life!


I know when something feels “right” or “wrong”. We all do! Trusting my intuition and my gut instinct daily. Our bodies are always telling us which way to go, what feels good and what does not, and what brings us joy.


I have been incredibly fortunate to be surrounded by a tribe that loves me; family and friends. Often, I open up to these people, but mostly in a “controlled” environment (an environment I feel I can control). I want to be more honest and vulnerable with my relationships and trust my tribe will boost me up when needed.


If you have a desire, you have the ability. Trusting the Universe will create a path for me (that I cannot see) and know it will show me the way. Trust the Universe is always looking out for my highest good, and all I must do is keep dreaming!


I have been through a lot! I have felt the blissful peace of love and light. I have covered my face with guilt and shame and felt weight so heavy I thought I couldn’t breathe. My experiences, my trials, my “know-how”, are valuable and trusting in that knowledge is power! I know what I know. Trust it!

For me, this is what 2020 is going to be - Trusting more that the path will be shown to me, and instead of trying to control it, I’m going to lean into it, and trust in the Univers and myself!

What is your word for 2020?



Release— I refuse to call it anything else!

Release— I refuse to call it anything else!