The Big Fat Lie & Fiery Red Nails

I had to reevaluate my definition of success. I had to rediscover my worth. I was forced to look at who I am now without the titles. It was also a revolving lesson on how to be a "stay at home mom" again. It was a constant inner struggle to convince myself I could accomplish my goal. 

I believe.

I started with one simple question, what do I believe? Five pages later I marveled at my own responses. I challenge you to write down what YOU believe. You will be surprised what comes easily, what makes you stop and think, and what scares you a little. 

Worth a Thousand Words

A picture is worth a thousand words.

I love this picture of myself. (shocker! Yes, I actually said I love a picture of myself) The longer I look at it the more I appreciate it. Let me tell you why. 

Why I Picked You

I was heartbroken, alone, and feeling sorry for myself. I didn’t want to read about their perfect lives and how badly they wanted what, at that time, I didn’t want. I didn’t want to be pregnant. I didn’t want to pick any of them. 

Becoming a Birth Mother

As I sat on the chilling cold tile floor of my college dorm bathroom, I found no irony in the double red lines that stared back at me. The one who never longed to become a mother was now becoming just that.

5 Things To Know When Placing a Child for Adoption

You will get advice or read articles, similar to this one, some of it will be extremely helpful and some information will feel off track, and that’s okay. Your placement, your adoption story, the birth of your baby, will all be uniquely and entirely yours. Lean on the advice that feels best suited to your situation.

Simply Be Here Now

These rocks and twigs will lead your way if you continue movement. The mountain water doesn't overthink its path, it naturally moves with the current. Continuous, harmonically, creating this space in which I sit.


Follow the path of stillness, where that which you love and that which you must let go becomes a simple gesture.

This Girl Has Places to Go!

If I could pull this oversized t-shirt over my head and hide my face, I would. Every stereotype you place in my lap has already been tattooed on my face. Point your fingers. Question my integrity. Hell, question who I WILL become.