HI! I am grateful you are here!

My name is Gina. I am an author, meditation guide, public speaker, and birth mother!

I’m obsessed with journaling, coffee, meditation, and energy work!

💛 STAY AWHILE - take a look around!




And that which you desire would bare no movement forward if you had not felt such opposed. For that which we desire is a belief that we will be happier in the having of that inner pull. 
But if that which we desire holds the key to our own self-love, we miss the purpose of opposition. For that which you desire spurs from the awareness of that which no longer serves you. Follow the path of stillness, where that which you love and that which you must let go becomes a simple gesture. {Love the being that you are} Then turn your desires within. For every struggle that we face creates the movement of that which we now desire. And often that which you desire and seek to obtain lies right in the place where we began. -gina crotts

Simply Be Here Now

Simply Be Here Now

The Struggle is Real

The Struggle is Real