HI! I am grateful you are here!

My name is Gina. I am an author, meditation guide, public speaker, and birth mother!

I’m obsessed with journaling, coffee, meditation, and energy work!

💛 STAY AWHILE - take a look around!

A True Warrior

A True Warrior

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Some warriors enter the battlefield full of anger, revenge, suffering, and greed. Armored up and ready to win at all costs!

Then there are warriors like Kallie, who enter a battlefield (or two) that they never expected to step foot on, some battles not even their own, but they go! They fight for those around them, using their bodies as armor to protect those behind them and beside them. They didn't ask to be warriors. They did not prepare to be warriors. Kallie has probably never thought of herself as a warrior, but to me, she is the bravest warrior of them all. A humbled and tender heart, the courage of a lion, and knowledge of an owl.

As every intelligent warrior knows, at times, we must ask for help. And for Kallie, now is that time, as her husband will be battling cancer.

I know Kallie well enough to know she is carrying the weight of her husband's emotions and her beautiful children all on her own. Please, help lighten her burden by donating. 2020 has kicked our asses, but nothing is stronger and braver than human connection and compassion. I will forever believe that!

I love you, Kallie!


For My Daughter

For My Daughter