HI! I am grateful you are here!

My name is Gina. I am an author, meditation guide, public speaker, and birth mother!

I’m obsessed with journaling, coffee, meditation, and energy work!

💛 STAY AWHILE - take a look around!

For My Daughter

For My Daughter

I have to dedicate a blog post to this girl.

Day in and day out, she shows up as an athlete, as a dancer, as a student, as a daughter, and as a friend. She works hard, pushes herself, and achieves her goals. Honestly, she makes it look easy and I'm not sure she even realizes how much work it takes to reach what she has achieved. This year has been full of "unknowns" and though there have been disappointments, she has taken them in strides.

Her light is the brightest on the dance floor, on stage, on the football field, but when her walls are down and it's just her and I - I feel it even brighter and stronger! Because in that space she's not a dancer, athlete, student, or daughter, she is simply her and that is enough!

My hope is that she will always know that she is enough! I love you. I am so proud of you!

Thank you for singing in the car with me, listening to me ramble about my meditations, watching movies and eating chocolate-covered strawberries, dancing in the kitchen (even though I look like Kermit the frog), and allowing me to still be a part of your teenage life. LOL

Keep reaching for what makes you the happiest and what brings your light to others! Shine Bright!

Hi, My Name is Gina

Hi, My Name is Gina

A True Warrior

A True Warrior