Day 52 Post Concussion Syndrome
The frustration, of wanting to simply be ME again, makes me ache for the girl in this video. I want to wrap my arms around her and say, "you're going to make it! It gets easier and you aren't the same as you were before, you're a better version of you."
I remember reading an article from a TBI survivor, just weeks after my accident, who said, "one day you'll reach the summit of this mountain and you'll look at the view and realize you're there, you did it! You'll hardly think about your TBI at all."
I read that same article over and over again wondering when I would reach the summit. It felt impossible. When will I look out at the view and be grateful for this time? When will I be able to turn this into something I can look back on as a positive lesson?
A year and a half later, I am at the summit! I know I still have a lot to learn in order to be at a place of peace with my TBI, but I can look out at the view, watch videos like this, and give myself a big pat on the back. I did it! I'm still doing it! I am very proud of the journey I have taken and I will keep working to have a healthy brain.